All around us heat energy is being wasted — industries, buildings, homes, trucks and automobiles are all losing heat that can be converted into electricity.
The Soony is a new kind of engine for the 21st century — designed from the ground up to produce eletricity from solar or waste heat.
A breakthrough innovation, the Soony Engine promises 15 – 25% improved efficiency over state-of-the-art Stirling heat engines and will potentially compete with Turbines without the high RPMs.
Early applications for the Soony engines:
- Combined Heat to Power(CHP) Soony engines for Dish-engine solar power.
- Soony engines to drive multi-fuel hybrid cars with optimum efficiency — over 80 mpg.
- Soony engines convert industrial waste heat into electricity for plant operations and the grid.
- Soony engines reduce electric bills by 50% for home and commercial furnace owners.