Solar Dish–Engine Technology
The Soony 25-kW engine will be used with parabolic thermal solar dishes, like Sandia's Suncatchers. Solar Dish and heat storage are rapidly evolving technologies, and Dish–Engines have been shown to be the most cost and energy efficient form of solar power.
Furnace Electric Generation
When the Soony engine is added to existing or new furnaces in homes or commercial buildings, the normally wasted furnace heat will be converted into enough electricity to cut utility bills by at least 50%.
Industrial Waste Heat Recovery
Soony micro and mid CHPs will provide point–of–use industrial waste heat conversion to electricity — creating financial, energy and carbon emission savings for U.S. industry. Heat energy normally lost up industrial stacks or in processing will be captured and converted to electricity for on–site use and feeding the national grid. U.S. industry consumes $128 billion in heat energy annually, and the potential for waste heat recuperation is around 30%. As of 2007, only 1.55% was being recovered, so the emerging CHP market potential is immense.
80 MPG Hybrid Automobiles
The Soony CHP auto engine will double the efficiency of internal combustion engines, converting gasoline BTUs to work at 51% efficiency. When using a hybrid system analogous to the Prius, the Soony will get over 80 MPG (miles/gallon). It can run on different fuels, and since the Soony engine exhaust gases are recirculated for heat efficiency, there will be fewer emissions